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Business Administration, Accounting, A.S. | e-Learning

Online Educational Plan – 7.5 Week Sessions

Term 1

Session 1

ENGL151 English I 3 cr
MATH156 Introduction to Statistics (or higher) 3 cr
STC150 Student Success Seminar 2 cr

Session 2

ENGL152 English II 3 cr
CSIT123 Integrated Office Software 3 cr

Term 2

Session 3

MATH191 Precalculus I 3 cr
PHIL190 Introduction to Critical Thinking 3 cr

Session 4

MATH192 Precalculus II 3 cr
BUSN134 Principles of Marketing 3 cr

Term 3

Session 5

ACCT161 Principles of Accounting I 3 cr
BUSN210 Business Communications 3 cr

Session 6

ACCT162 Principles of Accounting II 3 cr
ENVI152 Environmental Science 4 cr

Term 4

Session 7

ECON151 Macroeconomic Principles 3 cr
BUSN251 Business Law I 3 cr

Session 8

ECON152 Microeconomics Principles 3 cr
ACCT271 Forensic Accounting 3 cr

Term 5

Session 9

BUSN271 Principles of Management 3 cr
ACCT275 Fraud Examination 3 cr

Course Key

Program Requirement

Program Requirement

GMAT (GE Mathematics)

GMAT (GE Mathematics)



GSCL (GE Lab Science)

GSCL (GE Lab Science)

Program Elective

Program Elective


Please refer to the 365球赛平台 catalog for program and General Education elective requirements. The General Education (GE) courses in this plan are recommendations only. Please discuss your program and course choices with an academic advisor,

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